Workers Compensation Insurance
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Workers Compensation Insurance
This type of workers compensation insurance is for the employer to provide for their employees. Workers compensation insurance covers the cost of medical care and rehab for workers injured on the job. It also compensates them for lost wages and provides death benefits for their dependents if they die from work-related accidents. Workers compensation insurance is a remedy for all on-the-job injuries suffered by employees. As part of the contract included in each state’s law, the employee gives up the right to sue the employer for injuries caused by the employer’s negligence and in return receives workers compensation insurance and benefits regardless of who or what caused the accident, as long as it happened in the workplace as a result of and in the course of work-related activities.
Workers compensation insurance laws vary from state to state. State statutes and the courts control many aspects, including the handling of claims, the evaluation of impairment and settlement of disputes, the amount of benefits injured workers receive and the strategies used to control costs.
The costs of workers compensation insurance are one of the many reasons that influence businesses to expand or relocate in a state to generate jobs.